I spoke to the endo nurse specialist today as it was the MDT meeting this afternoon. I left a message with her because I wanted an update of what's happening and to also tell her about the GP situation. She phoned back this afternoon and told me my MRI scan was reviewed at the meeting and the team have decided that colorectal input is definitely needed because of how complicated the surgery may be because of the location of the endometriosis but I'd get a letter explaining the meeting soon. I asked her about my medications and she said that it wouldn't be advisable to change any of my medications because of how difficult things are at the moment with going through so much and that's in her clinical opinion. She told me to contact the surgery but I can't just drop everything and make an appointment I have work so I wrote a letter for the doctor to read in the morning. It was easy to get it all down on paper with what I wanted to say about the whole medication side of it but trying to be honest about how I feel has been the hard part.....
People just don't understand how much endometriosis impacts a person's life. It's waking up in the morning more exhausted than you were the night before. Not knowing when the next flare up is going to happen and when it does being confined to your bed and medicated up with strong painkillers. The times when you have to phone into work and admit that you can't manage to come in because the pain is so bad. It's watching other people go on and live their lives while you are stopped by the chronic illness that's in the way of everything. The questions from professionals about whether or not you want children in the future and having to think ahead is just as scary. It's being on medication to control other issues that endometriosis causes within the immune system. It's finding it hard to speak out about the illness because you can't find the words and people assume it's just "period pain" which we as sufferers know it's not. It's dealing with constant side effects of medications that we're put on. Its the endless appointments discussing treatments and future surgery. The ways of controlling this horrendous condition because there is no cure. Feeling uncomfortable in your own body because of how distended your stomach is and it making me look about 3 months pregnant. People not knowing what to say to me and watch as they give me a hug and get emotional. It doesn't just affect me if affects those around me too. Did I forget to mention that I am devastated by this illness?