Thursday, 10 September 2015


Today is Suicide Prevention Week. I've noticed a lot of people posting status updates on Facebook about how they want people to know that someone cares. No matter how alone you may feel there is always people around you who care and love you. Suicide is a difficult topic as it can be hard to talk about. I cannot imagine how difficult it must be for someone to be having suicidal thoughts because it seems like such a dark place to be in. "Most suicidal people don’t actually want to die, they just want to remove themselves from an unbearable situation, and for the pain to stop." Every other option of dealing with a situation would seem impossible and a sucidal person would see everything as hopeless. You would feel as if everyone would be better off without you but that is not the case. Suicide has a devastating effect on family, friends and anyone else who knows that individual.

Suicide Warning Signs
- Feeling worthless
- Feeling hopeless and having no hope for the future
- Feeling alone or social isolation 
- Irritability
- Feeling like a burden to others
- Changes in mood and behaviour
- Talking about death
- History of suicidal behaviour
- Risky Behaviours
- Feeling like you don't belong
- Giving away possessions
- Alcohol and Drug Misuse 
- Feeling Trapped
- Feeling Worthless

If you or someone you know is experiencing suicidal thoughts and feelings please do seek help now. Asking for help is nothing to be ashamed of. Talk to someone you trust whether that's a family member, friend, teacher, youth worker, GP or any other individual you can trust. There are people who can help and support you. If you live in Edinburgh the following contact numbers can be used to speak to someone and get help. Don't suffer in silence and you're not alone in this. 

Thursday, 3 September 2015

Self-Soothe Box

While at CAMHS I was doing a bit of work on distress tolerance and through this I was given strategies on how to deal with when I'm feeling distressed and ways to distract myself. I'd tried to make a self soothe box in the past but it didn't really help when I was in a very distressed state.

 So when sitting down in an appointment we were talking about possible things that could go in the box. So the following items I put in mines were:

- My positivity book which contains positive quotes etc

- Book - Katie Piper's 365 days a year positive affirmations (I think that's what it's called!!) but this is a book that's just nice to look through as it's filled with quotes!

- Lavender Scented Candles - I was told that lavender can be quite calming (according to the psychologist) haven't actually tried it but I will.

- Letters and Cards from friends - These can be something that can help when I'm not feeling great as they're positive letters and really encouraging.

- Nail Polish - Depending on the level of distress if I felt able to I'd usually paint my nails as a distraction.

- Relaxation CDs - I was given these from my GP and find they can be quite helpful when trying to get to sleep and also to unwind before bed at night. 

- Friendship Bracelet - It may only be a bracelet but it means something to me as it was given to me from one of my friends after she made it while in hospital.

Other things I've been adding
- Bubbles- I'm not sure why I added these but it's to do with how my cousin loves bubbles so it reminds me of him.
- Play doh and Magic sand - I did add these because it was an option on the list for self soothe touch so I decided to buy two small tubs to see if it can help when distressed or feeling low.
- Memory Book - I've taken photos from previous albums of happy times and things that make me happy. This was to try and distract my mind from the horrible thoughts and the photos give me something to focus on.
- Colouring sheets and pens - This is something I've re added into my box. I've added this as it may be useful to use when I need distracted or feeling low but not really distressed.

Below is a picture of my half completed box there's still a few bits I'm putting in it but this is it at the moment!!