Sunday, 27 December 2015

What's it like living with depression? - ***TW***

Depression is darkness. It's like being stuck in a tunnel but there's no light at the end of it. You feel so negative about yourself, life and the future. Everything seems meaningless and you see no point in anything. You feel numb so empty that you just feel like nothing. The feelings of joy and happiness are gone almost like someone has stolen them away from you. Your mind is like a battlefield so negative and so loud. The thoughts race and they're hard to control. The voice in your head shouts at you telling you how much of a burden you are etc. The feelings of self hate becomes stronger and this is depressions way of making you feel as if you're drowning even more unable to get out of that dark tunnel you are in. You find it hard to be around people that love you that you begin to push your family and friends away. You feel like a bad person but you just can't let them in to help you cant be seen as weak and that you've let them down. You're now alone in your room crying wanting this pain to end. You can't save yourself and nobody else can save you. You go to sleep and wake up the next again day fighting the same thoughts and feelings as you did the day before. Getting out of bed in the morning is hard because you just don't see the point you know the day will be shit anyway and why get up when your first thought in the morning is "I can't do this anymore." You wake up exhausted and it's like no matter how much sleep you get nothing will help fix that constant tiredness you feel. The negativity feels as if it's taking over and there's nothing you can do about it. You ask yourself " Does life have to always be like this?"


Speak with your GP who can offer support and refer you to mental health services for appropriate treatment. There are different treatment options you can try it might take a while to find the right one and it can be frustrating but when you find the right one life will begin to become different. You don't have to suffer alone with this illness. Things may seem dark now but it can't remain like this forever right? Where there is light there is hope.....

Wednesday, 11 November 2015

Looking back.. *TW*

This week was quite an interesting one if I'm honest but it has given me an opportunity to reflect. On Monday I was at a meeting and was encouraged to speak about the support I received from my teachers for my depression. It was quite useful explaining how they helped and it was a bit of a reminder of just how far I've come in recovery with the help of them. I've always been grateful to them but I've realised that they really have helped me to become more resilient and cope with challenges I face in my recovery. It made me realise that so many people take teachers and support for granted and if I'm honest they've saved me in so many ways. You do wonder though " what if they didn't get me the help I needed, what if they weren't there to talk" I'd dread to think what would've happened. I guess I'm one of the lucky ones because there's people out there who aren't as lucky and don't have those amazing people like I have. Those were the people who got me out of dark places, who showed they cared and who encouraged me to keep fighting.

I must have been difficult to deal with when I was in the grips of depression but those people took the time to actually be there and sit with me in the darkest moments, to tell me I was going to be okay, taught me how to deal with this monster. I felt less alone having them by my side supporting me through this.They said once that "you have to be cruel to be kind" and you know what they're 100% right they said I'd thank them one day and I really do. I did have to get moaned at to go to appointments/counselling sessions, to see my GP and tell my parents about what was going on but I'm glad they forced me to do these things because it has played a part in getting me to where I am today. 

The one quote I always remember Mr B telling me when I was really struggling " you may have lost the battle but you haven't lost the war" for some reason that quote has stuck with me I think it's because I use it as a reminder that when I feel defeated I can always try again tomorrow and start again. I have that quote written in my positivity book and on posters etc as a reminder. Feeling defeated is something I do feel sometimes but using things like quotes is something I use to get myself back on track. 

I look back at diaries and it's weird to read them because some of the words in it bring back a lot of emotion. Most of my entries were written in the moment and some when I feel distressed and to sit and read them it shows me the feelings of self hate depression brought with it. 
The desperation. The negativity. What was depression doing to me? There was no hope. Nothing.
Darkness surrounding me everywhere I go. No silence. No freedom. I thought you know what why not just let depression win?! It made me feel like nothing. That I wouldn't have a future it all seemed so hopeless. I felt selfish because I had family, friends etc that loved and cared about me but I was still feeling low and depressed. I felt like I was hurting them and that I was a burden to everyone...
BUT DEPRESSION LIED TO ME!! I WASN'T a burden and people did care about me. It tricked me into believing it's terrible lies and made me feel bad. It was surrounding me in darkness. I had to fight the darkness. I had no choice. I couldn't give up. I couldn't run away from it. It was there all the time and that was the hard part. The loud thoughts angry and shouting at me telling me I was a horrible and shit person. 

It wasn't until May this year I wanted to start fighting again. I was encouraged by Mrs B to contact my GP and see what other options I had available to me. There is so much stigma attached to antidepressants but if I'm honest it was the best decision I made going on them. It's amazing to see just how much things have changed for me. I still do struggle but not as bad as I used to. I'm starting to feel joy and positive again. I have a lot to look forward to and I'm not letting an illness stop me from what I want to do in my life. Things can improve at the time in the moment it can seem like they won't but it can get better but it just takes time. 

Recovery is still a battle but it's one I'm going to win. The question I ask myself " Do I want to be known as the girl who fought depression and won or the girl with depression who gave up?"

Thursday, 10 September 2015


Today is Suicide Prevention Week. I've noticed a lot of people posting status updates on Facebook about how they want people to know that someone cares. No matter how alone you may feel there is always people around you who care and love you. Suicide is a difficult topic as it can be hard to talk about. I cannot imagine how difficult it must be for someone to be having suicidal thoughts because it seems like such a dark place to be in. "Most suicidal people don’t actually want to die, they just want to remove themselves from an unbearable situation, and for the pain to stop." Every other option of dealing with a situation would seem impossible and a sucidal person would see everything as hopeless. You would feel as if everyone would be better off without you but that is not the case. Suicide has a devastating effect on family, friends and anyone else who knows that individual.

Suicide Warning Signs
- Feeling worthless
- Feeling hopeless and having no hope for the future
- Feeling alone or social isolation 
- Irritability
- Feeling like a burden to others
- Changes in mood and behaviour
- Talking about death
- History of suicidal behaviour
- Risky Behaviours
- Feeling like you don't belong
- Giving away possessions
- Alcohol and Drug Misuse 
- Feeling Trapped
- Feeling Worthless

If you or someone you know is experiencing suicidal thoughts and feelings please do seek help now. Asking for help is nothing to be ashamed of. Talk to someone you trust whether that's a family member, friend, teacher, youth worker, GP or any other individual you can trust. There are people who can help and support you. If you live in Edinburgh the following contact numbers can be used to speak to someone and get help. Don't suffer in silence and you're not alone in this. 

Thursday, 3 September 2015

Self-Soothe Box

While at CAMHS I was doing a bit of work on distress tolerance and through this I was given strategies on how to deal with when I'm feeling distressed and ways to distract myself. I'd tried to make a self soothe box in the past but it didn't really help when I was in a very distressed state.

 So when sitting down in an appointment we were talking about possible things that could go in the box. So the following items I put in mines were:

- My positivity book which contains positive quotes etc

- Book - Katie Piper's 365 days a year positive affirmations (I think that's what it's called!!) but this is a book that's just nice to look through as it's filled with quotes!

- Lavender Scented Candles - I was told that lavender can be quite calming (according to the psychologist) haven't actually tried it but I will.

- Letters and Cards from friends - These can be something that can help when I'm not feeling great as they're positive letters and really encouraging.

- Nail Polish - Depending on the level of distress if I felt able to I'd usually paint my nails as a distraction.

- Relaxation CDs - I was given these from my GP and find they can be quite helpful when trying to get to sleep and also to unwind before bed at night. 

- Friendship Bracelet - It may only be a bracelet but it means something to me as it was given to me from one of my friends after she made it while in hospital.

Other things I've been adding
- Bubbles- I'm not sure why I added these but it's to do with how my cousin loves bubbles so it reminds me of him.
- Play doh and Magic sand - I did add these because it was an option on the list for self soothe touch so I decided to buy two small tubs to see if it can help when distressed or feeling low.
- Memory Book - I've taken photos from previous albums of happy times and things that make me happy. This was to try and distract my mind from the horrible thoughts and the photos give me something to focus on.
- Colouring sheets and pens - This is something I've re added into my box. I've added this as it may be useful to use when I need distracted or feeling low but not really distressed.

Below is a picture of my half completed box there's still a few bits I'm putting in it but this is it at the moment!!

Monday, 31 August 2015

Starting conversations about mental health

I don't really post statuses about depression or mental health on my Facebook page but I heard about a young man who contemplated suicide on the Scots Monument and some of the comments around this I found very sickening. I was surprised to see it was from people who I was friends with on Facebook I ended up deleting them as friends because the comments were just vile. This was a young man who had completely hit rock bottom and suicide was the only thing on his mind which is a sad thing to hear. People taking photos of him and commenting on how he was "selfish" and "should just go ahead and do it instead of causing disruption" is this really the attitude people have about mental health? When someone's so vulnerable and needing help this is how horrible some people can be. It really disgusted me. People writing information on a comment about depression and not being very well educated about the illness. This is a guy who probably had nobody to turn to and felt like this was the only way out and all we can do is criticise him and be horrible towards him. This is someone's friend or family member we are talking about here. I was relieved to hear that after 2 hours the police managed to talk him down and I really do hope he is now getting the help and support that he needs. I was sitting on the train home from college when I thought about writing a status about it but I was having second thoughts because I wouldn't know what people would say etc. I decided to post it in the end and after three minutes since being posted it had 7 likes and then two hours later this happened.....

95 likes and 28 comments. I didn't expect it to get that much attention and people commenting. I had people commenting telling me how they'd felt low and sucidal in the past and I really admired people's bravery of posting how they'd suffered from depression and what got them through it. I had comments of people agreeing with my status and saying they were proud of me for posting a status like this and a few people worked out that I suffer from depression. 

Three hours later. I went onto my news feed again and I was shocked to see that the conversations about mental health were ongoing. I saw various statuses about people suffering from depression and not being ashamed of it and it's true you shouldn't be ashamed of suffering from depression. It's perfectly okay to seek help for depression, it's okay to be in therapy, it's okay to take antidepressants. You need to do what's best for you and if that means seeing the mental health services then that's perfectly okay. We will all require support at some points in our lives and that's not a bad thing at all. I think what people struggle to understand is that depression is an illness, it's not a choice. This quote really does explain it: 'That's the stigma, because, unfortunately, we live in a world where if you break your arm, everyone runs over to sign your cast, but if you tell people you're depressed, everyone runs the other way. That's the stigma. We are so, so, so accepting of any body parts breaking down, other than our brains. And that's ignorance. That's pure ignorance. And that ignorance has created a world that doesn't understand depression, that doesn't understand mental health.'

If anyone needs to vent or anything do send an email to: and I'll reply asap! Recovery will happen and we can fight this❤️

Wednesday, 5 August 2015

To anyone who is struggling with depression

If you, or someone you know, is suffering from depression, please read this. You will get through this❤️

You may not know me and that's okay but as I sit here and write to you I want to let you know you will be okay. Even though you don't know me I am here for you. There's something very frightening about darkness I know. That scary place you feel you're in. It's dark, bleak and everything feels so hopeless. All you can think of is how to get yourself out of this shit dark place. But you don't have the motivation and all you would rather do is curl up in a ball and cry because you're powerless, you're tired and defeated. You feel lost and you aren't really sure who you are anymore. You feel weak and you feel worthless. You cannot get away from the thoughts inside your head no freedom no silence. You have no hope in getting better because it's too hard. I understand because I experience this. This illness is shit I know and I wish I could make it better for you. 

You may have a reason as to what triggered your depression or you might not and that's okay. I'm not expecting you to know all the answers. All I know is that it's unfair that you have depression and how much it is affecting you. I know this is hard to live with but you gotta keep fighting. Keep fighting for someone or something you love. Maybe your friend, family, baby in the family or even something or someone else? You gotta find something to keep going for even if it's something small. The darkness is horrible I know and there has been times when you've probably thought "what's the point?" But I want to tell you that you are strong and that you can do this. You have so much strength even though you don't feel strong right now I believe you are because you are still fighting and trying to improve things no matter how difficult this is. 

There's so much uncertainty and I know that is so frightening and distressing. I know that there will be periods that you experience that will be hard, so fucking hard but don't give up. Some days you may feel like giving up and may feel unable to cope. But it will get better, I know you are probably unable to believe this but it will take time. There are ways to cope with this illness and there is support available. Medication is an option and it can be helpful with managing your condition but your GP can give you as much support as you need. Let people in to help you, it's okay to ask for help when you need it. It's NOT your fault you have depression. Asking for help DOESN'T make you weak. 

Depression left me feeling weak and low and it was a horrible thing to have to deal with. The thoughts were and still are hard to deal with. I hated how depression would strike me and I would be in a darkness I couldn't get out of it just wasn't bearable. It brought a lot of feelings of shame and guilt and those were hard to deal with. I reached out for help and it was the most terrifying thing to ever do. The three words that were the hardest to admit were; "I need help." It was my teachers who were my absolute rocks if it wasn't for them I wouldn't have been able to cope with the darkness depression surrounded me in. They sat with me when I was feeling very low, listened to me, understood me and were there for me, they saved me from things getting so much worse. They encouraged me to attend doctors appointments and supported me no matter what. I'm receiving treatment at the moment I receive weekly support and on medication. Even though I suffer from depression I know it doesn't define me as a person.

I've learned that you are never alone. There are always people you can talk to about what you're going through. But the thing you have to do is let them in to help and let them know what you are going through. Just having someone to support you through this difficult time in your life can help. But I understand that it may be hard for you to talk to people about how you feel. You may be feeling embarrassed and ashamed but let me tell you that you have nothing to be embarrassed or ashamed about. You may feel that if you tell your family, friends, colleagues etc that you have depression you may fear that you will be judged and treated differently. There's so much stigma surrounding depression and that stigma needs to be challenged because it's stopping people from speaking out about depression and mental health. 

You deserve to get better and you deserve help. Please don't suffer in silence because it's just too difficult to deal with on your own. Talk to someone you trust whether that's a friend, family member, teacher or a doctor. You deserve to get better and be happy. You deserve to be free from this monster called depression. You can get through this because I believe in you💜

Keep Fighting x

If anyone needs to talk or anything please send me an email on: and I will get back to you asap. 


Friday, 31 July 2015

A letter to Depression


I have three words for you: I hate you.

You made me feel miserable and low. That heavy feeling in my chest that wouldn't go away no matter how hard I tried to get rid of it. The tears and the irritability that I couldn't control. You made life feel like a living hell. You made me feel like a burden to other people who loved and cared about me and even though you still do make me feel like this I refuse to listen to you. Feeling in a dark place and one that I was unable to get out of no matter how hard I tried you were just stronger than me. You made me feel so weak and ashamed. I was useless and you told me that over and over. Whenever I had a good day everything would still feel quite cloudy and grey but the only thing that would run through my mind was "This isn't going to last long" because I knew there was no escape from you. You would never give me peace and the freedom that I so desperately wanted from you but you just would not allow it.

I would come home from school and then an hour later go to bed because I needed to escape from you because you had made me feel so exhausted. Telling those I love that "I'm just tired" because I had to keep this all a secret. You telling me that " I wasn't worth the help and support" because everyone would think I'm weak.  Then all the negative thoughts you made me feel like nothing. I felt so worthless like I didn't mean anything to anyone. So vulnerable. You made me think that I was alone and that nobody cared about me because they all thought I was too much of a burden when really all the people who loved me wanted to do was help. You kept me up until 2am in the morning mind racing unable to keep up with the thoughts and unable to sleep. All I wanted to do at times was stay in bed and hide from the world and hide from you but you just wouldn't leave me alone. Why do this to me?

You made me feel like I couldn't even talk to my family because they were the bad ones who were just getting on at me all the time. You put my family through hell and I strongly hate you for that. You forced me to keep silent for 6 months and the silence was the other enemy as well as you. You made me become secretive and I was reluctant to share anything with my family they were just completely closed out. It took me 6 months to break your barrier until I finally felt able to talk to my family but you still make me feel ashamed. Why make me feel so bad and ashamed? What have I done to deserve this? Nothing. 

You made it hard to feel joy. It's hard sitting watching people laugh and joke away when all I can do is just sit there and feel nothing. Feel numb. Feel empty. You are an evil illness. You made it hard to face people on the days you are around its even harder to hold a conversation because you consume me and everything just feels black. It's hard to concentrate on anything else because its like you are taking over my mind and everything else doesn't matter anymore. 

But I have been fighting against you and I seem to be winning. I have people who care about me and who I can talk to about how I feel. I'm not alone anymore I have people who love me helping me fight you and giving me this strength to overcome you. I can now talk to my family and let them help me cope and I don't end up shouting the house down when they try to talk to me about how I feel. I'm starting to feel bits of joy now and again which is something I haven't felt in a while and you know what it's a good feeling it's one I like. I'm beginning to challenge you on the negative thoughts and I think it's a battle I'm starting to win and I am in control. You still return and stick around for some time but either way I just fight twice as hard to silence you. I want to overcome you in order to enjoy the future and I want to be able to say to someone; "I got better and I know you can too"

I do still struggle against you but this is not a battle that I will give up on. I will fight for as long as it takes to get my life back and you've made me realise just how bloody strong I am. I will not surrender.



Wednesday, 29 July 2015

Bad days - The 7 things I do to get myself through a bad day.

Dealing with the bad days can be tough as it's exhausting and emotionally draining. But it's important to remember that just because you're having a bad day it DOESN'T mean that you've failed because a bad day is just a temporary blip. I'm not gonna sit here and tell you to think positive because I know just how difficult that is. I remember people telling me that "things will get better" and to "think positive" but at that time my attitude was always negative and I'd be thinking "what's the point?" and it was always that negative voice inside my head shouting at me telling me I was a "failure, useless and worthless." But I have been learning to deal with the bad days and through that I've learned different strategies in dealing with them.

1) Getting out of bed
If you wake up in the morning feeling really low and all you want to do is hide in bed all day because you don't want to face the world try to persuade yourself to get out of bed and have a bath or a shower. Even if it takes you 4+ attempts to get out of bed keep trying and never give up. I found that getting out of bed would be an achievement and something I'd accomplished on that bad day. I remind myself that "I'm stronger than depression"

2) Distractions and keeping busy
I find that distractions and keeping busy is something that does help me quite a lot. On the bad days I find that I sometimes don't really have much motivation to do anything but I find that my colouring book can be quite a good way of keeping busy. I would try and spend a maximum of an hour colouring in and then use another distraction (I have wrote a post about distraction techniques on a previous post)

3) Talking to people about it
I find talking can be quite helpful on a bad day and I would normally speak to family or friends if I felt low. However that can be unsuccessful at times because there are times when I just don't have the words to express how I actually feel and that can be tough. I guess that everyone is different and some might find talking helps whereas some find it doesn't help them. By talking to people about your feelings it can help them provide support to you but also help them understand how you feel and what you're going through.

4) Writing
I find writing is probably the one thing that I use the most. Writing on a bad day helps me to write about how I'm feeling and is somewhere I can be open about my thoughts and feelings and it's a safe place to vent. By writing I feel I can express emotion that I find too difficult to verbalise.

5) Going a walk
I find getting out of the house for a bit to get some fresh air can help. I normally take my dog a walk for an hour and just put my earphones in and listen to music to stop the negative thoughts affecting me so much. It can be nice to have a bit of time to myself and time to try and clear my head. 

6) Looking at photos 
One thing that I created was a memory book filled with photos from the past, family and times when I was happy. It's nice to look at this on a bad day because it reminds me of those who love me and that are important to me. I also filled my memory book with photos of my baby cousin as he's the one person who gets me through a bad day because when I first discovered I was suffering from depression looking at photos of him encouraged me to keep fighting and get through this bad day.

7) Self Care 
Self care is important when dealing with a bad day. Just being kind to yourself and putting yourself first. One thing I find difficult to deal with on a bad day is feeling drained so if I feel I need to I'll go for a nap for a few hours. Also making sure I'm eating and drinking enough because it's important to keep your appetite up as I know that appetite can fluctuate at times. You're doing the best you can and that's all you can do. X

8) REMEMBER..........

Monday, 27 July 2015

Distractions when feeling low

Some people consider distractions as quite a useful strategy for dealing with low mood and negative thoughts. When I'm feeling low I tend to use distractions a lot because I find that it can help me stop focusing on negative thoughts and the way I'm feeling. Over a certain period of time I've learned a lot of distraction techniques that I try to use when I feel distressed or when I feel that the low mood isn't lifting. I thought it would be helpful to share some of the distraction techniques to see if they can help you:
- Phone a friend 
- If you feel you can organise to meet up with a friend ( it's okay if you feel you can't take it in baby steps if you must)
- Go out for a walk
- Relaxation 
- Read a book
- Write in a diary or journal
- Colouring books (Amazon sell them and can be very cheap to buy)
- Have a warm bubble bath
- Listen to music 
- Baking 
- Puzzles
- Watch television
- Watch a film
- Read positive quotes
- Get a piece of paper and a pen and write about all the things you are grateful for
- Write down positive things that you have achieved in the last two weeks or even in a month 
- Loom Bands
- Draw
- Give a loved one a hug
- Play with a pet (if you have one)
-Do something nice for someone else
- Call a helpline - Samaritans - 08457909090 or email - Breathing Space- 0800838587(free service)
- Use Apps on IPhone or iPad such as - Self Help for iPad, VirtualHopeBox, Safe Spot (These can give you ways of distracting yourself and how to help when you're feeling low and also details or organisations for help and support)

- Tell yourself that this is just a bad day and these bad feelings will pass. When it feels impossible to get through a bad day just remember that you are braver and stronger than you believe. Never ever give up because you can get through this. Never ever let a stumble in the road be the end of your journey a bad day doesn't mean that you've failed because it's just a temporary blip. Take care of yourself on a bad day put YOURSELF first and remember that it's not selfish to take care of YOU every once in a while and you must do what you think is best for you. You are doing your best and that's all you can do. X

"why not be the moon, to brighten in the darkest hour"

"Everyone wants to be the sun to lighten up everyone's life, but why not be the moon, to brighten in the darkest hour"
I have to say the quote above is one of my favourites. Sometimes just being there through someone's darkest hour can be so helpful. I came across this quote when looking for a bit of positivity and I have to say it is one I absolutely love. Someone I know saw this quote on my Twitter account and decided to retweet it as they thought it was very powerful.

I think its in your darkest hours you realise who is actually there for you. Family and friends are the most important thing and sometimes just showing love can get you through those dark periods and knowing you have a purpose and are worthy. Others may seek support from others such as teachers etc and this can be a huge influence on getting through dark times as just knowing that you can approach someone and talk to them about absolutely anything and knowing that they really do care and want to help the best they can. Even when you feel at your weakest just having someone by your side helping you to try and keep going can be such a comfort as you won't have to go through anything on your own. The main thing is knowing that no matter how negative something may seem there is a few positives even if the positives are quite difficult to see. Recovering can be difficult but with love, compassion and support hopefully one day things can get better.

Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgement that something else is more important than fear." 

Saturday, 25 July 2015

What to say and what not to say to someone suffering from depression

Sometimes it can be difficult to know what the right and wrong things to say to someone with depression are. It can be frustrating for someone caring for someone with depression to know what to say or do to help the person they love. It must be even harder to know that the person that you love is hurting. There is things you can do to help the person suffering and even the little things can make a bit of a difference. 

 The right things to say
Please note: There are more but I'm just going to stick to 6 on each section.
The five things I found that has helped me is when people say the following:
1) "I'm here for you if you need me"
Just knowing that someone was there for me made such a difference in my opinion.  I knew I had somewhere to turn to when things weren't that great and if I needed to vent I could it felt like a safety net. I didn't have to bottle up my feelings because even though people may not fully understand just listening was what would help. Let the person know that they aren't alone and that they have your full support. 
2) "Let me help you"
Just by letting the individual know that you want to help them in any way they want you to is something that is useful. But don't be alarmed if the individual doesn't want you to help they may want to push you away but be understanding because they will approach you when they are ready. At first when my family wanted to help me I refused to allow them to I guess that was because I liked to have control and I'm the type of person who hates to be seen as weak I have often been described as a "very private person." It's only until recently that I have been starting to let my family in a lot more to help in various ways such as being there on the bad days, I managed to find the courage ask someone to attend a GP appointment with me to support me and I've allowed my parents to be involved with my treatment because before I closed them out and for me this has been a huge step. 
3)"What kind of thoughts are you having?"
This question is one that can be difficult to answer but can be one that may actually help you understand what the individual is going through or where their thinking is at. I was always scared to share my thoughts because I didn't want people to think they were stupid or invalidate what I was thinking. Another thing is that no matter how uncomfortable it may be to hear someone say things that are so negative just be as compassionate as you can. Remember that asking someone about their thoughts isn't going to make the person worse and let them know that you have listened to what they have just said. 
4)"You are important to me"
This is probably something that you need to remind the person a lot because depression can make you feel worthless and unimportant. Feeling worthless is the worst feeling because you just feel like nothing and you feel like you don't deserve love or support. 
5)"I'm not going to leave you"
Just by letting someone know that you aren't going to give up on them or abandon them can help them know that they can rely on you. I always feared that people would give up on me and leave me to deal with this alone but I was wrong because the people who matter stuck by me and never left my side. Also you don't abandon those that you love.
6)"You are not alone"
Personally I feel this one needs to be said a lot. Depression is isolating and can cause feelings of loneliness because you start to feel like you're alone in the world and that nobody understands you or what you are going through. By reminding the person that they have people around them (family, friends, professionals etc) it can let them know that people do care and that they are loved.

The wrong things to say

1) "Snap out of it"
This is probably the worst thing to ever say because this can create feelings of guilt because as much as the person tries to get themselves out of depression you just can't. You can't just change how you feel instantly because depression is persistent. 
2) "Other people have it worse than you do"
Never tell a depressed person that someone else has it worse than them and to be more grateful just because other people have it worse it doesn't mean that the person's problems will disappear.
3)"You'll feel better tomorrow"
That's not what someone who is struggling really wants to hear. Depression doesn't go away overnight and it can be very pressuring on the person to feel better.
4)"You just have to deal with it" 
Never tell someone to deal with it because they're dealing with it every day and it can be a battle. Telling someone to just deal with it makes them feel like they're not good enough or not trying hard enough and it can create feelings of hopelessness.
5)"I know how you feel"
This is the one that frustrates me because only the individual who is experiencing depression knows what it feels like and also others who have experienced it. A better thing to say would be " I can't understand fully how you feel but I'm listening."
6)"You are such bad company smile more"
Never ever tell a person with depression that they're bad company or to smile more. The person cannot help that they are depressed because depression is an illness and not a feeling. The word "depression" is defined wrong by people in society today, when people say something like " aw I'm so depressed today" what they mean is that they're sad but depression is more than sadness it's like being in a black hole. Be compassionate to the person because they're fighting a very tough battle and need all the support they can get. 


Dear Stranger,
I am writing this to you to tell you that I care. You may have a reason as to why you have decided to read this post or maybe you don't and that's perfectly okay. Please know that you are not alone and that in time things will get better. Things will get easier but you've just got to get through the hard stuff first. 

It's okay to ask for support I promise you. There is people out there who do care and will be there for you when you need them. You are needed in this world you are cared for and loved. Asking for support can be a massive step I understand that. When I first started struggling with debilitating  low mood I remember feeling scared about asking for support. But I found someone to talk to who I'm forever grateful to and is like family to me and she was there for me every step of the way and is still there for me now even if I don't see her much. On my darkest days it's always been the support and love of my family, friends and my teachers who got me through them. Even if it was just sitting chatting and having a cup of tea the little things like that help and knowing that people do care. Silence is the enemy, keeping quiet months before about my struggles was the hardest it drained me of my energy and I let the negative thoughts control me. The people in my life loved me when I was at my lowest even if I wasn't very lovable and helped me to develop strategies in coping with depression. My thoughts told me over and over "You are a burden" I started to believe that and kept how I felt to myself until one day I thought "You aren't controlling me anymore, I AM in control" I sat down with my year head and told her how I was feeling she was understanding and I remember her words "You aren't a burden to me and our doors are always open if you need to talk" to hear those words in ways was rather comforting. By talking to others and writing about how I felt I could feel depression having less of a grip on me. The darkness would creep up on me but I tried to keep sharing how I felt even though at times I didn't want to talk. As much as my thoughts told me " I wasn't good enough" or " I was a burden and a failure" I tried to ignore them and replace with a positive but I know that can be difficult. Sometimes it's hard to see the light but always know that there is light at the end of this dark tunnel. I would never have got to where I am today without all the love and support everyone in my life has given me. Yes, I still do struggle but I have come so far I'm now able to recognise that. Before when things were bad I would think that I'd failed and I would be so hard on myself but I'm so proud of just how far and how much I've achieved and I know you can be too. You were the one who picked yourself up off the floor when the easiest option was to stay there and cry, you were the one who dragged yourself out of bed when all you wanted to do was hide under the covers and pretend all your problems don't exist, you were the one who was brave enough to stand up and say "I need help." 

I want you to know that you've got nothing to be ashamed about. It's okay not to be okay. Always remember that progress is still progress no matter how small it may be. If you have to take this in baby steps that's allowed because it's still progress. A few months ago I didn't see the point and I didn't feel like I had a future but now I'm more determined than ever to make my future a positive one. You've got this and you will win this battle. It's okay to talk about your mental health, it's okay to take medication like antidepressants etc because these will help you and help you feel and stay well. I know that my struggles don't define who I am as a person. No matter how difficult things may be it will get better. Please know I'm here for you and I do care. I'm still recovering but I may not be there yet but I'm closer than I was yesterday and I'll be even closer tomorrow. 

Depression doesn't define who you are as a person.

Depression is something that is very important and that needs a lot of awareness raised so to raise awareness myself I've decided to write a blog post about it. It shouldn't just be one week that everyone talks about depression it should be every day because if we talk about mental health a lot more we can tackle the stigma in a more effective way. People choose not to talk about depression because of the lack of understanding and compassion in society today. Depression doesn't define who you are as a person.

They ask "Are you okay?" and the answer is always "I'm fine" because you don't want everyone to think that you're weak.

So imagine this and put yourself in someone suffering from depression's shoes. You wake up in the morning and it requires a lot of effort because you'd rather just stay in bed and hide from the world because you feel there's no hope left. You manage to drag yourself out of bed to attend school/college or work and you paint a fake smile across your face because you just can't explain to anyone why you feel the way you're feeling. They ask "Are you okay?" and the answer is always "I'm fine" because you don't want everyone to think that you're weak. You feel like you're moving and thinking in slow motion that you're just existing and not living. You just don't know who you are anymore you feel so lost and alone. Your friends and family really irritate you and you struggle to express yourself so you close them out and refuse to let them in to help. It feels like there's a glass wall between you and the rest of the world and you feel so disconnected from everyone and everything. You feel as though you're drowning and suffocating and it's just a constant battle that just can't be won you're tired of everything, tired of fighting, tired of waking up every day with that voice in your head telling you how worthless and horrible you are like an outburst of negativity. You feel like a burden to everyone you know and you just don't feel like you are worth people's time and support. Physically you feel awful you're tired all the time, you don't have much energy some days and some days you feel numb you just feel so empty.
Occasions such as Christmas don't feel the same anymore because you just can't be happy and all you want to do is lay in bed and cry because you just don't feel worth it and deserve to be alone. Everyone around you is trying to encourage you and support you but all you can do is be horrible back to them and that makes you feel so much worse. You want to be able to cry but you just can't and when you do try and cry you have no tears. Everything seems too much of an effort. Everything just seems so bleak and there just seems to be no light at the end of the tunnel you feel trapped and imprisoned. You do everything you can to try and get yourself through this dark tunnel but all that effort and hard work seems like a waste of time because all it's doing is making you feel exhausted. You lay in bed at night and your mind just won't turn off all the negative thoughts going through your head and they keep you up until 2am. You've made it through another day and prepare for another day of fighting tomorrow. This is what it's like everyday it just repeats itself and even if it's a good day it still feels cloudy and grey. Depression is debilitating it affects every aspect of your life and you feel like you have no strength left. Put yourself in these shoes and imagine the pain and distress someone with depression goes through.

Please don't suffer in silence.

My message to anyone who thinks they may be suffering from depression is please do speak out. There ARE people who can help such as a GP, friend or even a family member. Depression is a difficult condition to fight and at its worst it can be debilitating. Depression is an invisible illness that nobody can see if you think someone you know may be suffering from depression be that caring friend or family member and ask if they're okay but don't push them to talk as they'll talk to you when they are ready but let them know you are there for them. Depression CAN be treated and there are so many different treatment options available. Please don't suffer in silence. Someone once told me this " You may have lost the battle but you haven't lost the war." Carry on fighting this constant battle and get the freedom and happiness that you deserve. One thing to always remember "I may not be there yet but I'm closer than I was yesterday."
Never Lose Hope x x x 
Websites for support and information:
Breathing Space- 0800838587 (free service to call)
Samaritans- 08457909090 email: